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We all need a Mother right now!


When my first child was born, my mother hand-made a pillow with this cross-stitched verse;

Cooking and cleaning can wait till tomorrow
For babies grow up we’ve learned to our sorrow,
So quiet down cobwebs, dust go to sleep,
I’m rocking my baby and babies don’t keep!

There’s just no escaping the nurturing feeling one experiences when reading this verse.  When we’re most troubled, especially when feeling alone or abandoned, we instinctually yearn for a Mother’s nurturing which embodies unconditional love, connection, reassurance, counsel and safety.

This year, we are all in need of the arms of a loving Mother who will comfort us. And feel in the embrace of her loving arms the gift of grace to understand, accept and look for the meaning in the present moment.

This Mother’s Day, we have the freedom to pay homage to all Mothers past and present and to those who may not officially hold the title, but who nurture and protect.  We can do this by living in a place of grace and extending open arms of love to everyone.  The collective energy of living in this place of grace will shower love and nurturing across the globe.  We can do this because every moment is precious and “our babies don’t keep!”.  

Happy Mother’s Day!
