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Keynote Address at the 17th Annual Parenting Awareness Conference

Posted November 11th, 2009

On November 9, 2009, I gave the opening keynote address at the 17th Annual Parenting Awareness Michigan Conference in East Lansing, Michigan to over 250 professionals and volunteers who work with Michigan families.  Their job is an important one —  to help parents with the most important job ever – parenting.  The keynote address was entitled:  Love Your Path:  You were Made for This.  The conference participants were well aware of what a powerful influence parents are on their child’s life.  They know, however, to help parents realize that power and put it into action is not always easy.  Still there was unquestionable passion among this group.  I shared with them my personal story of how, as a parent, experts just like them helped me realize my power as a parent, guide and motivate me to take action, and advocate for my own children and eventually for children across the state. My goal was to inspire the audience to be fully present in their lives, value the journey as much as the destination, and champion the power of partnerships with parents.
