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February’s Month of Love Topic: I am Okay!


The term “okay” is highly underrated.  I have a dear friend I’ve known since high school.  Every time I called her with a big problem whether it was something with my kids, my health or some other life predicament she would very quickly but calmly say, “it will be okay, it will be okay.”  Her words felt so reassuring to me, that I was able to experience a moment of tranquility.  I’ve made those emergency calls to her so many times that I finally developed the skills to self-soothe.  So whenever I am feeling afraid, I channel her voice and repeat in my head, “it will be okay, it will be okay.”  Sometimes that’s all we need is a nanosecond to feel down to our core that it will be okay and to trust that I am okay!  

Call me hokey for blogging about love in February, I don’t mind.  How can I not spout off about it when love surrounds me.  It’s in the squeal of delight when I surprise my granddaughter at school; it’s in the stories from teachers I’m with each week as they beam about the progress made by their toughest students; and love is ever so evident in parents doing their best and making the sacrifices necessary to raise and provide for their family. 

So here’s the hard question.  Do you see and feel the love all around you?  If you struggle to say “yes,” then may I suggest you try this:  Place your hand on your heart and say “I am okay.”  Start with you.  Take care of you.  Love you.  What we practice grows stronger, so practice being okay with you.  There is magic in practicing the art of loving you…love self, love others, accept love from others…it’s magic!
