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It’s Rush Hour

We are down to the final days before Holiday Break!  It’s rush hour out there as we squeeze the gift buying, decorating, baking and holiday events into an already busy life.  How are you doing?  Are you feeling rushed, tired, broke?  Is the “to do” list in your mind getting longer and longer?  Hold that thought, in fact, hold all your thoughts for just a moment and breathe.  

Now ask yourself this?  What is one word your kids would use to describe you right now?  Happy, content, fun or would it be frantic, frustrated, tired or impatient?  Keeping up tradition, making memories or pleasing Grandma are well intended but they can backfire on parents.  Children have fresh, fertile minds.  They are unaware of what tradition your are trying to keep alive or what childhood memory you want to recreate.  I can assure you however, that they are aware and will remember the emotions coming from the most important person in their lives, their parents!  

Give this a try!  Turn your “rush hour” into “hush hour.”  Tell your thoughts to hush, then just float in blissful silence.  The childlike playfulness you’ll feel will take you by surprise.  Best of all your kids are making a memory of a happy and fun holiday!

Barb Flis, Founder – Parent Action for Healthy Kids